"An injustice anywhere is an injustice everywhere."

Legal Definitions and Terms

Stands for Master of Science in Social Work. There is no difference between MSSA and MSW (Master of Social Work). They are both professional master degrees for being a licensed social worker.

The highest education available in the legal profession in the United States and is considered a professional degree.

Everyone has an estate. An estate is everything you own: your car, home, other real estate, checking and savings account, investments, life insurance, furniture, and all of your personal possessions.

Estate planning ensures that after death, your assets go to the people you care about the most. To make sure that happens, you need to provide specific instructions.

Your personal representative (aka estate executor) or your attorney typically initiates probate. When this happens, a probate court validates your will and then authorizes your personal representative to distribute your estate to your beneficiaries as you instructed and pay any taxes your estate may owe.

A legal document that carries out your wishes regarding the distribution of your estate and the care of any minor children. This must be signed in the presence of witnesses and by your witnesses.

It is a document that instructs physicians regarding your medical care if you are incapacitated.

There are two types of power of attorney. One is for health care and the other is for finances. Each is your written authorization that determines who should manage your finances or health care decisions if you are incapacitated.

Reaching the agreement on division of assists, spousal or child support or custody. Reaching this before going to actual trial is beneficial.